
Configuring the MariaDB connector

Configuring the MariaDB connector

The UNGA-DM database is hosted on a MariaDB server. To access it you need to install a MariaDB connector on your computer, available for a myriad of operating sytems here:
Once it is installed it can be configured for the UNGA-DM database with the following pieces of information

Querying the MariaDB UNGA-DM database

After this configuration the UNGA-DM database can be directly queried. In Stata
odbc query ("unga_database")

will list all tables in the database.
odbc load, exec("SELECT * FROM votes")

Will query the votes table, which will became the active data in Stata.
In R a package like RODBC needs to be installed, after which the UNGA-DM database can be queried directly.
channel <- odbcConnect("unga_database")
votes<- sqlQuery(channel, paste("SELECT * FROM votes"))

This, will store the information of the UNGA-DM votes table in the votes dataframe (after a connection with the database has been opened).
More complex queries like
unga<- sqlQuery(channel, paste("SELECT decisions.decision_id, 
 meeting_date, member_state, decision_mode, original_vote, important 
 FROM votes RIGHT JOIN decisions 
 ON decisions.decision_id = votes.decision_id 
 RIGHT JOIN meeting_records 
 ON decisions.meeting_record_id=meeting_records.meeting_record_id"))

will generate a table on votes to which information from the decisions and meeting_records table have been merged and stored in the unga dataframe.
In Stata the same can be achieved by using
odbc load, exec("SELECT decisions.decision_id, 
 meeting_date, member_state, decision_mode, original_vote, important 
 FROM votes RIGHT JOIN decisions 
 ON decisions.decision_id = votes.decision_id 
 RIGHT JOIN meeting_records 
 ON decisions.meeting_record_id=meeting_records.meeting_record_id")

The codebook of the UNGA-DM database offers detailed information on the tables available, the variables contained therein, and how they are linked, which is also depicted in the following entity-relationship diagram:
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If you encounter problems or detect errors, please message simon.hug(at) and/or christopher.kilby(at)

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